About Spirit of Place Services with Deborah Kruse
My Spirit of Place work takes various forms, including mediation between the humans and spirits who reside in your property’s land, air and water.
It is not unusual for humans to have their own ideas of what they want for their property without considering that the spirit guardians of the land, and other helping spirits that co-exist with them, deeply care about the space. The spirits are also master gardeners and experts on restoring balance and vitality to places, and are open to assisting humans, but only if asked!
Have you ever had a friend who never let you get a word in edgewise? It’s easy to see how difficult this relationship would be.
However, consider the high quality relationship you could enjoy if you were able to have mutually respectful conversations about your needs, wants and desires, and come to a shared understanding.
In my work, I consider the needs and desires of all parties who are in relationship with the land, water and structures, and that includes all the humans, animals, plants, insects, soil and its microbes, and their spiritual counterparts!
While my primary focus is in services for land, I also perform clearings for cars, boats, offices, and retail locations, as needed.
My services range from immediate issues helping you to engage the spirit of your place to clear any ghosts, or heal your insomnia… to the ongoing work of co-creating your domain as a peaceful home, prosperous business… or a healing arts sanctuary.

Deborah Kruse in the field.
 My Path as a Spirit of Place Practitioner
My journey to becoming a Spirit of Place Practitioner began in my early childhood. I’ve been fascinated with earth mysteries and restoring habitats for as long as I can remember. Even as a young child, I communed with nature spirits, especially trees, rivers and wounded places.
This fascination with nature led me to pursue a degree in Landscape Architecture. From there I developed a 35 year career in habitat restoration, environmental planning, and land planning management. But my ultimately, this career lacked heart, and I found I had long left behind that intuitive, playful curious four-year-old Deborah who would spend hours with my good friend, a flowering plum tree.
Then, in 2013, I began to receive messages directly from Gaia, our Conscious Earth Mother. The clarity and joy that came with these messages was impossible to ignore, and I knew I had to do what I could to actually heal places… not just talk about them.
The practice I call Spirit of Place has grown organically from my variety of educational and life experiences. I have combined my lifelong fascination with metaphysics and sacred locations, the balance of university education and conventional practice in landscape planning, along with the magic of what wild rivers and mentors have taught me, to help others to achieve harmony, security and vitality.

Previous Experience
For over 35 years, I was a Senior Environmental Planner preparing in-depth California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and environmental permitting applications and reports. I prepared legally defensible documentation for local, state and federal agencies seeking environmental compliance, permitting, and habitat mitigation for water treatment plants, pipelines, reservoirs, energy transmission lines, and recreational facilities.
Starting with my Landscape Architecture license through the State of California, I honed my skills in envisioning and implementing environmental projects from conception through completion. I’ve led countless environmental projects, working independently and/or as a collaborator to create practical solutions to complex problems from land planning through environmental permitting and implementation.
Today I apply those same hands-on skills in combination with quantum principles of earth spirit healing to help you create your personal Eden.
M.A. Planning and Development, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 1999
B.L.Arch. Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1979
Registered Landscape Architect (RLA), State of California No. 3240 – Sacramento, CA, 1990
Green Gardener Certificate, 40-Hour River-Friendly Gardener Program – Sacramento, CA, 2012
California Invasive Plant Council (CAL-IPC) Wild Land Manager Certificate, 2012
Globe Institute of Sound Healing, Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate, San Francisco, CA, 2018